Olympians of 31st Battalion

In this Olympic games year we are grateful to Honorary Member Peter Nelson for discovering two members of 31st Battalion who participated in the 1906 games. Thanks also to our tireless Honorary Member in France Pierre Seillier for his efforts in creating the plaques for the members concerned.
Peter, who has done so much research in producing alphabetical listing of members of the 31st Battalion of WW I, wrote up the story of these two members on the “31stBattalion AIF Memorial” Facebook Page. Peter, in commenting on Pierre’s memorial plaques for the men fills out the story. Over to Peter:
  Thanks Pierre you have correctly identified the symbol of the Athens “Intercalated Olympic Games” of 1906, which were to be held every four years between the Olympiads, and were at the time referred to as “Olympics”. Greg ‘Dad’ Wheatley competed in the 1906 Athens “Intercalated Olympic Games”. Both men were to represent Australia in the 1910 Athens “Intercalated Olympic Games” which did not eventuate as an international
event as envisaged. Both men at the time were referred to as Olympians.
Both were well known sportsmen in the running events, along with many others who enlisted.
Lieut Andrew Sime, is credited as the first Australian to win the ‘Marathon’ over the recognised distance of 42.195km (26 miles 385 yards). He achieved this in 1909. “Australians Victor Aitken, George Blake and Joseph Lynch started in the very first 42.195 km marathon in London, 1908, but none finished. Sydneysider Andrew Sime was the first Australian to finish a 42.195 km marathon in Athens, 1910.” He embarked as OC 2nd Rfts, 31st Bn.
Lieut Greg ‘Dad’ Wheatley enlisted and embarked with the 29th Bn, serving at Fromelles, before transferring to 31st Bn. He was selected to compete in the 8th Bde Sports Unit for an AIF Sports event in Mar 1918.
2lt Andrew Sime
Lt Greg Alfred Wheatley