Olympians of 31st Battalion

In this Olympic games year we are grateful to Honorary Member Peter Nelson for discovering two members of 31st Battalion who participated in the 1906 games. Thanks also to our tireless Honorary Member in France Pierre Seillier for his efforts in creating the plaques for the members concerned.
Peter, who has done so much research in producing alphabetical listing of members of the 31st Battalion of WW I, wrote up the story of these two members on the “31stBattalion AIF Memorial” Facebook Page. Peter, in commenting on Pierre’s memorial plaques for the men fills out the story. Over to Peter:
  Thanks Pierre you have correctly identified the symbol of the Athens “Intercalated Olympic Games” of 1906, which were to be held every four years between the Olympiads, and were at the time referred to as “Olympics”. Greg ‘Dad’ Wheatley competed in the 1906 Athens “Intercalated Olympic Games”. Both men were to represent Australia in the 1910 Athens “Intercalated Olympic Games” which did not eventuate as an international
event as envisaged. Both men at the time were referred to as Olympians.
Both were well known sportsmen in the running events, along with many others who enlisted.
Lieut Andrew Sime, is credited as the first Australian to win the ‘Marathon’ over the recognised distance of 42.195km (26 miles 385 yards). He achieved this in 1909. “Australians Victor Aitken, George Blake and Joseph Lynch started in the very first 42.195 km marathon in London, 1908, but none finished. Sydneysider Andrew Sime was the first Australian to finish a 42.195 km marathon in Athens, 1910.” He embarked as OC 2nd Rfts, 31st Bn.
Lieut Greg ‘Dad’ Wheatley enlisted and embarked with the 29th Bn, serving at Fromelles, before transferring to 31st Bn. He was selected to compete in the 8th Bde Sports Unit for an AIF Sports event in Mar 1918.
2lt Andrew Sime
Lt Greg Alfred Wheatley

Battle of Fromelles Commemoration – Ipswich, Australia and Fromelles, France

A very moving 108th Anniversary Commemoration (19th July 2024) held at the Ipswich RSL Honour Stone by the Ipswich RSL in conjunction with the 31st Infantry Battalion Association (Brisbane Branch). Honoured Special Guest was Mr Keith Payne VC AM,, a former member of both the 31st Battalion (1951) & 42nd Battalion (1975).

Other honoured Guests were Brig Arran Hassell CSC, Commander of 8th Brigade Aust Army, Duputy RSL Qld President, Ms Wendy Taylor, Group Capt Dennis Tan, Senior Officer RAAF Base Amberley . Her Worship the Mayor of Ipswich Cr Teresa Harding, Mr Alain Etchegaray Hon Consul representing the French Ambassador to Australia, Maj Ed Dalheimer, Company Commander 31st/42nd Battalion RQR, The Hon Shayne Neumann MP, Member for Blair, Senator Paul Scarr ,Jennifer Howard MP, State Member for Ipswich.

We were honoured to have the following Descendants of Soldiers who fought in the Battle of Fromelles –
Col Mark Plath Retd – representing– Lt Col Fred Toll DSO & Bar MBE VD, CO of 31st Battalion
Mr Keith Beardsmore – representing– Lt Col Henry Breardsmore DSO , 30th Battalion –
Ms Ann Kirby – representing – Sgt Cyril Kirby MM 31st Battalion
Lt Col Russell Linwood ASM Retd – representing – Pte Issac Linwood 31stBattalion
Mr Leo Rawlings – representing– Pte Frederick Rawlings 31st Battalion
Mr Bernie Delaney, Ms Siobhan Bouma & James Danaher 3rd – representing – Lt James Danaher 31st Battalion
Robert Doncaster- representing – Charles Christopher Doncaster 53rdBattalion
Additional we had Ms Deborah Gower representing the Mayor of Fromelles & the Fromelles Community lay a Wreath
Some photos of the Descendants at the Honour Stone after the Service. More to follow
We also mention the Service was live streamed on Ipswich RSL Facebook & can be viewed here – https://www.facebook.com/ipswichrsl/videos/1455856535298547

Brig Arran Hassell CSC – Comd 8th Bde – Delivering Welcoming Address

Members of the 31st Battalion Assoc with Keith Payne VC AM (Centre Front)

Maj Ed Dalheimer, Coy Commander 31st/42nd Battalion, (In Uniform).

After the 108th Anniversary Commemoration of the Battle of Fromelles at Ipswich.

Lt Col Russell Linwood ASM Retd (on the left of Keith) renewed their acquaintance & stories from when Russell was a Cadet at Duntroon & Keith was an Instructor there.

Wreaths Laid at the Fromelles Commemoration in Ipswich

Keith engaged in conversation with fellow Vet.

Overhead photo of 31st Battalion Assoc Battle of Fromelles 108th Anniversary Commemoration held at the Honour Stone at Ipswich RSL Memorial Hall, in conjunction with the Ipswich RSL sub branch.

A great attendance of over 100.


 Newly identified 31st Battalion Digger at Pheasant Wood Cemetery

Unveiled on 19th July 2024 – LEST WE FORGET

BRUMBY , William Christopher S/N 585 Pte
Born -Cones Homley, England
NOK (m) Mrs Eliza Rowle, South Someroakes, Lincolnshire, England

Enlistment Date 12-Jul-15 Melbourne, Victoria
Age 28 yrs Single C.of E. Labourer Address Sorrento, Victoria

Outcome KIA 2 0th Jul 1916 at Fromelles.

Remembered at Villers Bretonneux – France

Original, ‘C’ Coy, 31st Bn

Pte William Christopher Brumby

Pheasant Wood Military Cemetery Fromelles France 19th uly 2024

31st Battalion Association Wreath placed during the Ceremony

Fromelles France 19th July 2024

Commemoration Ceremony Fromelles France 19th July 2024

Also From the Gallery


Battle of Fromelles Commemoration – 2024 – Ipswich


Members, – OUR MAJOR EVENT OF THE YEAR – Your support is required.
“THE BATTLE of FROMELLES” – Commemoration Service
WHEN:- FRIDAY – 19th July 2024 at 1100 Hrs
WHERE:- The Honour Stone – Soldiers Memorial Hall – Ipswich RSL Sub Branch – 63 Nicholas St, Ipswich
DRESS:- Jacket & Tie – Beret, – Medals, – Name Tag

Special Guest:- Mr. Keith Payne VC AM – (Ex Member of 31st Bn & 42nd Bn)
Other Guests:- BRIG Arran Hassell CSC Commander – 8th Brigade – (31st Bn was part of the 8th Brigade at the Battle of Fromelles – WW1)

Wives/Partners are most welcome.
It is our intention to have a Lunch at the CSI Club after the event. (Your expense)
If you have a Transport Issue, – please contact me.

RSVP – By WED – 10th July – Email:- wadesonriver@aapt.net.au

Please advise (1) Attending the Service (2) Attending the Lunch at CSI Club.

Lt James Danaher – One of the many Heroes of the Battle of Fromelles

Plaque produced by our Honorary Member in France Pierre Seillier

Map showing Parking in Central Ipswich, Qld and

available parking for Battle of Fromelles Commemoration

Lists of 31st Battalion Diggers from WW1

A list of Diggers from 31st Battalion from World War 1 is in the process of being compiled by Association Member Peter Nelson. This monumental work is an ongoing work in progress over a period of years.

The alphabetical lists have appeared on the “31st Battalion AIF Memorial Association” Facebook pages over a long period. The work thus far has been consolidated on this website page. A big thanks to Peter for this huge effort.

A members

B members

C members

D members

E members

F members

G members

H members 31st Bn

I members 31st Bn

J members 31st Bn

K members 31st Bn

L Members 31st Bn

We will add further lists as they become available.

Anzac Day – Brisbane – 2024

Anzac Day for members of the 31bn association in Brisbane started with the Dawn Service at “Dasher” Deed’s place followed by the 2/31st Bn commemoration service at the Cenotaph at SouthBank. Our Secretary Tony Wadeson represented the Association there before taking the Banner to the main march through the City. Some of the pictures of the SouthBank Service and Main March below.

Preparing for the SouthBank Service

Student Playing the Last Post and Reveille on the Trombone

Welcoming and Service at SouthBank

Association Members Participating in the Main March Through Brisbane

Hearty Congratulations To Centenarian Member Norm Snell

The Secretary of the Charters Towers Branch of the  31st Inf. Bn. Assoc., Vic Nichol, had previously extended an invitation to all of our members to celebrate the Hundredth Birthday of fellow member Norm Snell (19th Jan 2024). The celebration was in the form of a Tree Planting Ceremony at the Walking Track area at the bottom of Charters Towers Hill in association with the Charters Towers Regional Council and the RSL Charters Towers Sub Branch. The ceremony to be followed by a cake and refreshments at the RSL.

Vic has sent us a brief description of the day and included the pictures below:

Re Norm's centenary, The Charters Towers Council organised a Tree Planting
Ceremony with a plaque. and a Guard of  Honour was provided by 10FSB 
The reception at the RSL was attended by approx. 75 people including
representatives from the 31st Assoc., State and District RSL. And the Cake
was provided by the Local council. 
Norm received congratulatory telegrams and well wishes from the King and Queen,
the Governor General, the Prime minister and Government Representatives. 
The 31st Bn Assoc. and the RSL presented Norm with Birthday Certificates. 
The event was well done and was most enjoyable.
The following email was sent by Association Brisbane Branch Secretary Tony Wadeson:
Attention to all our old Charters Towers Members, – NORM SNELL’S 100th Birthday Invitation. Please refer to the attached Invitation.  
The Brisbane Branch wishes Norm a very Happy Birthday in celebrating his 100th Year. 
Regards Tony


Norm with honour Guard at the Tree Planting

Norm With Honour Guard

Norm with Honour Guard

Norm’s Message from King Charles and Queen Camilla

Norm’s 100th Birthday Cake

Norm with Certificates of Congratulations, Family and Friends

LTCOL Frederick William Toll DSO and Bar

The following is a contribution located by Association member Mick James – “I don’t think I have posted this before. It is a report on the Battle of Fromelles (referred to as Fleurbaix which was the village on the Allied side.)
It was a letter to the Editor of the Brisbane Courier in 1919 by LtCol Fred Toll DSO &Bar. His initial DSO was awarded for his actions in this Battle. The reference to ”remembering Gallipoli” is remembering his only son who was KIA at Galipoli.”

Thanks to our Honorary Member in France Pierre Seillier for

His great Tribute to Fred & his son Vivian.

Brisbane Courier Fri 18 July 1919
Sir,- The 19th July is the anniversary of the era which marks one of the greatest tragedies of the past war affecting the Australian Army. Little has been given through the medium of the Press of the first battle in France in which Australian soldiers were engaged. I feel it is my duty, as the late commander of a battalion that was engaged and sorely depleted in this awful struggle, to write a brief account in memory of my comrades who died on that fateful day.
With the splendid traditions of Gallipoli to follow, do you wonder that every man of the newly-formed Fifth Division vied with each other in his training and preparation for big things. For six hard months on the desert sands of Egypt they toiled and trained, and studied the problems of the future. This six months of close association had another effect, and that was to effect a comradeship between all ranks, which created that feeling of confidence and loyalty necessary for the future success of great doings.
To this stage I can assure you the battalions of the Fifth Division, had attained, especially may I speak of the Eighth Brigade, comprising the 29th, 30th 31st and 32nd Battalions. To the 31st and 32nd Battalions was allotted the task of the assault on the enemies’ stronghold on the fateful day of July 19 1916, at Fleurbaix. The history of this terrible period may never be complete, but the memory of our beloved comrades who gave their lives and the presence of those who were maimed by that engagement should be as sacred to us as the memory of our own dead.
You who may read these cold lines will never realise what those men went though without the slightest thought of self. A great forlorn hope, in agony of despair in many cases, after being battered about all day, for the enemy had gained information about the intended attack, and tried to demoralise our men with intense artillery fire. During the whole of the day (July 19) our men had to stand through a veritable hell. It would be cruel to attempt to describe the horror of that day, for the feelings of those who mourn this day their beloved, I would refrain from details. Before the attack was launched (zero hour being at 6.00 pm) more than half the attacking battalions were casualties. From this shambles, at the given signal, the remaining heroes followed their officers who were left to them, over the now blasted and torn breastworks, only to meet a withering fire from the enemies guns and bombs, but this had no effect on those determined men. On and across the awful “No Man’s Land”, and into the enemies’ breastworks, with bayonet and bomb they destroyed those who resisted. Can you wonder that one saw red at such a time? Lucky are you who have been spared such sights, for strong men went mad, others wept at the sights.
The records of splendid deeds of this battle will compare with any of the history of the war. The writer was spared to come out of this alive, and to see many another battlefield, and many brave deeds, but nothing surpasses those that took place at Fleurbaix on July 19 and 20 1916. In penning these lines to the memory of my comrades who fell at Fleurbaix, it is with the hope that those who mourn for them might feel a little consolation in that, though the bells of peace and joy ring out, and merriment abound, there are still those who will remember their splendid comrades who made the world-famed reputation of the Australian Army what it is today. It is to those heroes, the cream of Australian manhood, who laid down their lives in the first great battles, that we owe our great traditions and examples.
So it appears to one who has reason to remember Gallipoli, that this time of rejoicing should be tempered with a little regard and thought for those whose hearts are sad. In conclusion, it may enlighten your readers to know the special reason of the attack at Fleurbaix on July 19, 1916, was to draw off the overwhelming reserves of the enemy, who at this time threatened to smash our lines in the southern area, in which some of our own countrymen were fighting for dear life, that the Fifth Division was thrown into the vortex, with the result that it stopped the enemy’s attacks, drew off his reserves, and caused considerable loss to his forces. With this knowledge in front of us at the beginning, also that little or no support would be available, and a very limited amount of reserve ammunition for our guns, can you appreciate why I place on record the Battle of Fleurbaix as being the finest exhibition of bravery of Australian troops in France or Belgium. All honour to our splendid dead. I salute your memory, my comrades. I am, sir, &c,
Late Commander 31st Battalion A.I.F.

End of Year Lunch 2023 – Townsville Branch

The following message was received from Paul Ellems, President of

Townsville Branch of 31st Battalion Association:

Greetings to all members and those interested in the 31st Bn Assoc., 

we have arranged for an End of Year Lunch for the 31st Battalion Assoc

(The Kennedy Regiment), Royal Queensland Regiment.

It will be on:

  • Saturday 16th December 2023 at 12:00 noon, 
  • in the Function room alcove in the Star Graze section,
  • at the Cowboys Club, 335 Flinders St., TOWNSVILLE CBD.

The Cowboys Club is a great supporter of our association by giving us

regular raffle nights during the year. and a venue for our celebrations.

The Club has won numerous prizes for the high quality and good value

of its meals and service. Because of that, the Club is a very popular venue.

We have made the timing as a lunch so that as many as possible can

attend with a minimum of crowd and ease of parking.


It would be fantastic if all could attend.

All are invited and welcome to attend.


Please pass this message on to any of our members I may have missed. 

If you wish to attend, please advise me asap, as I need to advise the numbers.




Below are the important dates for 2024.


Commemorative Services and Important Dates for 2024  

(* marked – Assoc normally receives a formal invitation and requires formal association presence.)

(There is an open invitation to all Assoc. members to attend these services and our monthly meetings.)

Meetings are on the second Tues of each month in the Board Room at Townsville RSL.

·  Tues 13 Feb 2024. First meeting for Assoc in 2024.

Subsequent meetings are on the second Tues of each month.

·  Wed 14 Feb 2024. *National Serviceman Day
·  Thurs 15 Feb 2024. *Fall of Singapore
·  Fri 01 Mar 2024. Formation of Australian Army. Formation of Australian Navy. (1901)
·  Sat/Sun XXX Mar 2024. 31st Assoc. Townsville Branch Annual General Meeting and Assoc Lunch.  TBA. All are Welcome.
·  Sat/Sun XXX Mar 2024. Assoc BBQ at Museum.
·  Fri 29 Mar- 01 Apr 2024. Easter holidays
·  Sat/Sun XXX Mar 2024. Assoc BBQ at Burdekin
·  Mon 22 Apr 2024. Battle of Kapyong Commences (1951)
·  ????    ?????. Cowboys Raffle night
·  Thur 25 Apr 2024. *ANZAC DAY.
·  Wed 01 May 2024. Labour Day Holiday
·  Sun 12 May 2024. Mother’s Day
·  Sat/Sun xxx  Jun 2024. Assoc BBQ at Museum POSSIBLE
·  Sat 08-10 Jun 2024 *Battle of Porton – Possibly 31/42 Bn and 51st Bn Assoc and 35th Water Transport Transport Squadron.
·  ???    ????? 2024.  Cowboys Raffle night
·  Sun 30 Jun 2024. *National Servicemen’s Day.
·  Mon 01 Jul 2024. Reserve Forces Day
·  Sat 20 Jul 2024. *Fromelle’s Day.
·  TBA Jul 2024.  *31st Battalion Assoc BBQs at Burdekin.
·  Sun 18 Aug 2024. Vietnam Veterans’ Day
·  Sun 18 Aug 2024 *31st Battalion Association Commemorative Church Service
·  Dates TBA. 31st Battalion (Royal Queensland Regiment) Association Formal Dinner
·  Sun 01 Sept 2024. Father’s Day
·  Sat 14 Sept 2024. Australian Peacekeepers Day
·  TBA Sept/Oct 2024.  31st Battalion Assoc BBQs at Burdekin.
·  Mon 07 Oct 2024. King’s Birthday – QLD.
·  ???     ????? 2024. Cowboys Raffle night.
·  Thurs 31st Oct 2024. 31st Battalion Birthday 
·  Mon 11th Nov 2024. *Remembrance Day
·  Wed 18 Dec 2024. *Texas Terror Commemoration in Ingham.
·   Tues 11th Feb 2025. First Assoc Meeting for new year.
·    Tues 11th Mar 2025. Tentative date for 31 Bn Assoc Townsville Branch 2025 AGM for the 2025 year.



Remembrance Day – 2023 – Charters Towers –

The Charters Towers Cenotaph was the venue for Remembrance Day Commemoration. Members of the Charters Towers Branch of the 31st Battalion Association including Norm Snell who paid his respects to his comrades. Norm will celebrate his 100th birthday on the 19th January.

Towers Branch Association Secretary Victor Nicol reports that the Commemoration Service was attended by approximately one hundred people and refreshments were available at the RSL afterwards.

Norm Snell Paying His Respects to Comrades at the Cenotaph

31st Battalion Association Members at the 2023 Commemoration


WO1 Francis Law DCM

The following information was provided by Peter Nelson who has done a wonderful job of putting together an alphabetical list of members of the 31st Battalion who served in World War 1. Below is an extract of the service record of Francis Law including the citation for the award of his Distinguished Conduct Medal – DCM. In the citation the name of the place for the action in which he was awarded the DCM is shown as Petillon. Today the action is referred to as the Battle of Fromelles.

RSM Francis Law DCM survived  WW1, living until 11th Jun 1944. He was subsequently buried in Lutwyche Cemetery Brisbane and  now, due to the efforts of the Remembrance Army,  has a memorial plaque in Lutwyche Cemetery. See the story of the Remembrance Army. Search the “Australian Remembrance Army – Projects” on this website.

Service Number 246
Rank Sgt/RSM
Born 1872, Wentworth, NSW
NOK Friend, Albert Wolfenden, Union Hotel, Barcaldine, Queensland
Father Henry Law
Mother Elizabeth Arabella Barnett
Enlistment 15th Jul 1915 Barcaldine, Queensland
Age 44
Status and Religion Single, C. of E.
Occupation Labourer
Notes A Coy, 31st Bn

Embarked at Melbourne, on HMAT A62 “WANDILLA”, 9 Nov 1915
Arrived at Suez, Egypt on 6 th Dec 1915

Admitted 14 th Fld Amb (influenza), at Ferry Post, on 26 th Apr 1916
Rejoined Bn from hospital, at Ferry Post on 5 th May 1916

Embarked at Alexandria, Egypt to join B.E.F. per HMAT ‘Hororata’ on 16 th Jun 1916
Disembarked at Marseilles, France on 23 rd Jun 1916

Awarded DCM for actions: – “At PETILLON on the 19 th /20 th July 1916, this NCO acted with great gallantry and
coolness under a withering hail of artillery on the right flank. He with about 10 men, attacked an enemy Machine
Gun’s position and put it out of action and captured it; one of the party carried it back to the main position. This
NCO afterwards got most of his little band back to the main position and held on all night.

Awarded Medal of St George 1 st Class for actions:- “At PETILLON on the 19 th /20 th July 1916, this NCO acted with great gallantry and coolness under a withering hail of artillery on the right flank. He with about 10 men, attacked an enemy Machine Gun’s position and put it out of action and captured it; one of the party carried it back to the main position. This NCO afterwards got most of his little band back to the main position and held on all night.”

To be RSM WO Class 1 (vice Brodie commissioned) on 20 th Aug 1916


(GSW face, fractured R ulna) (GSW = Gun Shot Wounds, fractured ulna = fractured forearm)to hospital on 25 th Oct 1916
Admitted 36 th CCS (GSW face) on 25 th Oct 1916
To Amb Train on 28 th Oct 1916
Admitted St John’s Ambulance, Etaples, on 28 th Oct 1916

Embarked per HS “Stad Antwerpen” from Calais, ex St John’s Ambulance to England on 25 th Nov 1916
Admitted King George Hospital, Stamford, on 25 th Nov 1916
Transferred to 2 nd Aux Hospital, Southall, from King George Hospital, on 22 nd Aug 1917

Discharged to furlough from 11 th Sep 1917 to 25 th Sep 1917 and to report to Depot, Weymouth on 25 th Sep 1917

Marched in to CD, Weymouth on 25 th Sep 1917
RTA per A35 “Berrima”, due compound fracture of R lower jaw for discharge on 31 st Oct 1917

Disembarked at Melbourne for overland journey to Brisbane

Discharged at Brisbane on 7 th Feb 1918

Died 11 th Jun 1944

Buried Lutwyche Cemetery, Brisbane

Plaque created by Association Honorary Member in France – Pierre Seillier

Metal Plaque installed at Lutwyche Cemetery Brisbane by the Australian Remembrance Army