Vale – Ray Fogg ED – President – 31st Bn Assoc (Brisbane Branch)

The Brisbane Branch Assoc Secretary, Tony Wadeson  has passed on the very sad news that our 31st Battalion Brisbane Branch Founding President (in 2002), Ray Fogg, has passed away on Saturday 22 June after an extended illness.

Ray has led the Brisbane Branch of the Association for 22 years since its inception. One of the highlights of Ray’s time as President was arranging the construction of the Billy Sing Memorial Plinth at Lutwyche Cemetery in 2015 with financial assistance from the Federal Govt. Photo below.
Rest in Peace Ray.

 President Ray Fogg at the Inauguration of the Billy Sing DCM Croix de Guerre (Belgium) Memorial

Association executive member Mick James gives further information regarding Ray’s efforts to bring the Billy Sing Memorial to fruition.

I mention that the 31st Battalion Association Brisbane Branch conducted Memorial Services at Billy’s grave side in 2012 & 2013 which influenced the Federal Govt to approve us to manage the construction of the Memorial. We also had another Commemoration in 2018 with Billy’s nephew in attendance

Vale – Wally Thomasson

Members, I refer you to the undermentioned Notice from Victor Nicol Charters Towers- re the Passing of Stalwart Member Wally Thomasson Friday evening 24rd Feb.
Vic subsequently informed us of the funeral arrangements for Wally:

The funeral for our past member Wally Thomasson will be held on Friday 1st March 2024 at 10.00 am at the Church of Christ, 25 Anne Street, Charters Towers, followed by internment at the Charters Towers cemetery.

Could you please advise your members.

A sad loss, R I P Wally. Regards,

Vic Nicol

The only information I have at this time is taken from his statement of service.

Walter James Thomasson, service no. 1701805,

National Service, 05 January 1952 to 11 April 1952.

Citizen Military Forces 12 April 1952 to 04 January 1957.

Rank Private.

I have been told he was in the Assault Pioneer Platoon, Support Coy.

RIP -Wally

Vale – Darryl Somerville

Emails were received from Tony Wadeson Association Secretary (Brisbane Branch).


Members, I refer to the email (below) from John Tannock President of 2/25th Bn Association, advising of the passing of Member Darryl Somerville.
Darryl was the son of – CPL Ray Somerville 2/31st Bn who was – WIA – 27/11/42 at Gorari in New Guinea.
RIP Darryl Somerville

A Funeral Service held on 7th July 2023 at 10.30AM at All Saints Anglican Church – 501 Hamilton Rd Chermside.



Members, I refer to the above mentioned email regarding the Passing of our member Darryl Somerville. I wish to advise that Mick James attended the Funeral Service last Friday on behalf of the 31st Bn Assoc. & the Veterans, Families, & Friends of the 2/31st Bn. I have also forwarded a Condolence Card to Darryl’s family on behalf of us all.

Darryl Somerville RIP

Regards TONY

The following background to Darryl’s story and that of his father( 2/31st Bn member) Roy  comes from  our  Association member Mick James:

Darryl was the son of a 2/31st Bn digger who visited Gorari on the Kokoda Track, where his father was wounded and others from 2/25th & 2/31st Bns were KIA during the battle of Oivi – Gorari (4 – 11 Nov 1942). In 2018 Darryl unveiled a Memorial with members of 2/25th Bn Assoc in honour of those who died.
Pte Roy Somerville served with 2/31st Battalion in the Middle East and New Guinea on the Kokoda Track. While on the Kokoda Track he was promoted Cpl & subsequently to A/Sgt on 1st Oct 1942. On 11th Nov 1942 Roy was wounded at Gorari, north of Kokoda, during the Battle of Oivi – Gorari where members of both 2/25thBn & 2/31st Bn were KIA. Roy was subsequently evacuated to Australia where he was later discharged.

Roy’s son, Darryl, in honour of his father’s service, travelled to Gorari with relatives of 2/25th Bn members on 11thNov 2017. They also returned in Nov 2018 and unveiled a monument in memory of the Battle and those who died there.

I met Darryl after his second trip to Gorari and he was very interested in the history of the 2/31st Bn. He subsequently attended an Anzac Service at the 2/31st Bn Memorial at South Bank and joined our 31st Infantry Battalion Association. I only learned of his death on Thursday and attended his funeral on Friday.

Darryl lived a full life and achieved much with his wife and 3 sons. He was Managing Partner of Accountants Coopers & Lybrands for 10 years until his retirement in 2005. From 2005 until 2011 he was Chairman of Brisbane Broncos Football Club and loved to remind friends & relatives that he was the last Chairman to win a Premiership.

The funeral was held at All Saints Anglican Church, Hamilton Rd Chermside, and was overflowing with mourners. The Church played a large role in the Somerville Family life. Darryl’s father, Roy, helped build the Church, Darryl was baptised, confirmed and married there. There was much mirth during the Eulogy, given by his 3 sons, David, Paul & Craig, which Darryl had requested.
Rest In Peace, Darryl.

Aged 74 years.
Late of Everton Hills.
Passed away peacefully on 2nd July 2023.
Much loved husband of Elizabeth. Adored by his sons Craig, Paul and David, Daughter in-laws, Grand daughters and his entire family.
Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend Darryl’s funeral service to be held at the All Saints Anglican Church, Chermside. Service commencing at 10.30am on Friday 7th July, 2023.
In lieu of flowers, relatives and friends are asked to please donate to Dementia Australia via their website.

Cliick on the Link Below for the ABC’s story of the Oivi – Gorari Battle and the Monument.


Oivi – Gorari Battle and The Memorial

The following tribute is from 2/25th Bn Association John Tannock:

I have a number of issues to update everyone on, but I thought I would get a quick update out to advise of the passing of my good mate Darryl Somerville.

Many of you would remember Darrryl from our trips to Gorari, firstly to discuss the possibility of installing a monument with the villagers of Gorari and secondly for the unveiling of the monument. Our connection was that our fathers were both wounded in the Oivi/Gorari Battle near the village of Waju. In fact, we often used to muse about the similarities between the war experiences of our fathers ……… both were from the bush and joined up at the same time. Although they were in different battalions (2/25 th & 2/31st), the two battalion supported each other through the Middle East and New Guinea campaigns. Both were wounded at Waju in the Oivi/Gorari Battle, both spent several days lying on the floor of the Kokoda Hospital before being flown to Port Moresby. They were then transported back to Brisbane on the same ship before spending several months recuperating in the Warwick Hospital…….and both had devilishly good-looking sons (Daryl loved that bit).

I found Daryl to be great company with an infectious laugh and the ability to see the humour where others saw disaster. I remember one night in Gorari when a couple of dogs barked for hours on end. Everyone was lying in their tents unsuccessfully trying to sleep. Finally, around 3:30am, the dogs stopped barking. A collective sigh of relief went around the tents until about a minute later when a rooster started crowing amongst the tents. Suddenly Daryl roared laughing with the laughter spreading around the whole camp.

Through the project to erect the monument at Gorari, Daryl was my go-to person when I needed advice. He advice was always practical and full of commonsense……….and we would have a lot of laughs at the same time.

From John Tannock:





Vale – Keith Hearne

Message from Association Brisbane Branch Secretary, Tony Wadeson:
Members I regret to advise that our 2/31st Bn Life Member, – WW2 Veteran & Victorian Past President of the 2/31st & 2/25 Battalions Association – Keith Hearne passed away on Christmas Day. Attached is a Photo taken of Keith receiving his 31st Bn Assoc. Honorary Life Membership Tribute at the Frankston RSL Club on 7th Sept last. We had been trying to present it to him since 2020 but were unable due to Covid State Border lock downs. The event was covered on this website (See “Keith Hearne – Honorary Life Membership” in Archives for October 2022 for his wonderful history of service to the RSL and the Community )
I’ve attached Keiths RSL Bio & you will note amongst other things that he was a Life Member of the RSL.
Funeral Arrangements have yet to be announced. – I will update you when they become available.
If its possible I would ask if our Melbourne Based Members, Peter Nelson & Brian Mullarvey & any 2/31st Bn Veteran, Descendants, could attend the Funeral. The Frankston RSL Sub Branch will be involved as The Victorian RSL State President apparently will be involved. Berets, Medals, & Name Tags Should be worn.
Keith Hearne – 2nd/31st Bn – WW2 Veteran – Life Member RSL – Life Member 31st Bn Assoc. 
 Rest in Peace. 
Regards Tony
Keith was also mentioned on this website in the article “2/31st Battalion Memorabilia” (Archive March 2019).
He was also featured in the article “Keith Hearne” (Archive September 2020) that tells a brief story of his experience in Balikpapan and of his subsequent service to the community. Also of his determination to go to PapuaNewguinea for the reinterment of some of his 2/31 Battalion mates who perished when their aircraft repatriating wounded from Balikpapan and Moritai crashed in West Papua in the latter stages of the war. 
Keith receiving his Honorary Life Membership of the 31st Battalion Association
Frankston RSL Notice of Keith’s Passing

Vale – LtCol (Retd) Geoff Barlow

I regret to advise the passing of a good mate and a former proud member of the 31st Bn – Geoff Barlow. Geoff passed away yesterday at the Mater Hospital Townsville. Geoff had suffered from Cancer & had many Operations during the past couple of years.  

Geoff was a member of the 31st Bn during the late 50’s & early 60’s rising up through the Ranks to Sergeant prior having to transfer to Brisbane to complete his Pharmacy Degree at Q’ld University. 
He transferred from the 31st Bn to the 2/14th QMI. Brisbane. Whilst completing his Degree at Uni Geoff managed to transfer to Full time CMF with the Medical Corp. at – 1 Camp Military Hospital Yeronga. After Graduating as A Pharmacist Geoff then transferred to the ARA – RAMC  as a “Pharmacist”  an Officer Posting. 
During his Military Career Geoff served in Singapore & also an Extended posting to Vietnam  based at the 1st Australian Field Hospital Vung Tau. 
Geoff rose to the rank of LTCOL in the RAMC before he retired from the Army. He and his wife Pam & family retired to Magnetic Island Where for a time he operated a Pharmacy. He was the President of the RSL Sub – Branch at Magnetic Isl.
Geoff Barlow – RIP
Regards TONY
The following pictures are some of a collection previously sent by Geoff Barlow.
Memories of Battalion Parades held in Townsville during the 50s and 60s.

Freedom of the City

Pre 60s Khaki Uniforms and Blanco’d belts and Gaters


60s Jungle Greens Black Belts and New Gaters

Vale – Passing of Mme Marie Paule Demassiet

The 31st Infantry Battalion Association was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Mme Marie Paule Demassiet.
Our Association President in Townsville, Col. (Retd) Greg Stokie expressed our thoughts in a letter to Marie Paule’s family. Our Honorary Member in France Pierre Seillier, has tells us how he heard the sad news himself:

Pierre continues:

·Hello to all my Aussie friends, many of you know that Lambis Englezos my great friend is in France, I’m back from Fromelles where I caught up Lambis at Pheasant Wood… But I was surprised to see him with tears in his eyes… He told me the sad news and asked that I inform all our friends in France and Australia. It is with a great sadness that I must to inform all the friends of the great Fromelles’ Family that Ms Marie Paule Demassiet passed away this morning… Ms Marie Paule Demassiet was the great lady who gave the permission to do the researches for the mass graves at Pheasant Wood because she was the owner of the land, She was the lady who said after the discovery of the remains of our brave soldiers “I give my Land to Australia…”
We are all devastated, because we loved her so much, by a strange coincidence the funeral will take place on next Tuesday, 19th July at 10.30 am…gathering at the church of Fromelles at 10.15am. She will have been with her “beloved young soldiers” as she said always, until her last breath… If some of you want to send condolence message, they can do it on my email ( ) and I will pass it to Marie Paule’s daughter, Ms Annie Moreel and her family, who are my friends since a long time…

Bonjour à tous mes amis Australiens et Français, vous êtes nombreux à savoir que Lambis Englezos mon grand ami est en France, je reviens de Fromelles où j’ai rejoins Lambis à Pheasant Wood… Mais j’ai été surpris de le voir les larmes aux yeux … Il m’a annoncé la triste nouvelle et m’a demandé de prévenir tous nos amis de France et d’Australie. C’est avec une grande tristesse que je dois prévenir tous les amis de la grande Famille Fromelles que Madame Marie Paule Demassiet est décédée ce matin… Madame Marie Paule Demassiet est la grande dame qui a donné l’autorisation de faire les recherches pour les fosses communes à Pheasant Wood parce qu’elle était la propriétaire de la terre, elle était la dame qui a dit après la découverte des restes de nos braves soldats “Je donne ma terre à l’Australie…”
Nous sommes tous dévastés, car nous l’aimions tant, par une étrange coïncidence les obsèques auront lieu le mardi 19 juillet prochain jour anniversaire de la Bataille de Fromelles à 10h30…rassemblement à l’église de Fromelles à 10h15. Elle aura été avec ses “jeunes soldats bien-aimés” comme elle le disait toujours, jusqu’à son dernier souffle… Si certains d’entre vous veulent envoyer un message de condoléances, ils peuvent le faire sur mon mail ( ) et je le transmettrai à la fille de Marie Paule, Mme Annie Moreel et sa famille, qui sont mes amis depuis longtemps…
Marie Paule nous t’aimons tellement, tu nous manque déjà…

Mme Demassiet with John Fielding (L) and Lambis Englezos AM (R)

Mme Demassiet Signing the Official Documents to allow the Search for the Missing Diggers

The start of the Pheasant Wood Cemetery

Mme Demassiet with Pierre Seillier and her Family at the Pheasant Wood Cemetery

At a Service where another Australian Soldier has been Identified

At Pheasant Wood Cemetery

Mme Demassiet with a relative of one of the Soldiers who has now been Identified

The story of Lambis Englezos AM and his search for the missing 200 diggers from the Fromelles Battle is in the archives of this website (see Archives of June and July 2021) The 31st Battalion association  and indeed all Australians are indebted to this great and generous lady, Mme Marie Paule Demassiet for allowing the recovery and reburial of our missing diggers.

Vale – LtCol Doug Angus RFD (Retd)

Members & Friends, it is with great sadness I advise you that our good mate, – Proud ex CO of 42Bn RQR, – and staunch member of 31st Bn Assoc (Brisbane Branch), – DOUG ANGUS passed away last evening (Tue 10th May 2022) about 6.30PM at the PA Hospital Brisbane.

Doug, has been suffering from a weak Heart after his Quadruple By-Pass some years ago. He has also has been suffering constant pain from a bad back for many months.

A bit over a week ago, Doug had a bad fall and has since been at the PA Hospital where he subsequently passed away.

DOUG ANGUS – RIP dear Friend.


Tony has now posted the following notification of Doug’s Funeral:

Please note the Funeral arrangements of our good Mate – past Commanding Officer of the 42nd Bn Royal Queensland Regiment, – LTCOL Doug Angus (Retd)

TIME & DATE:-  12.30PM – Friday 20th May 2022.

WHERE:-  Mt. Thompson Memorial Gardens – EAST Chapel. – 329 Nursery Rd. Holland Park Qld 4121

DRESS:- Members:- Anzac Day attire – Jacket, Tie, Medals, Beret, Name Tags. Doug’s Family has indicated they would welcome the Association’s & 31/42 Bn RQR Personnel attendance.

The Family have given us permission to liaise with them & the Funeral Directors for us to either, form a Guard of Honour, or a Final Salute. I hope members will make a special effort to attend, to provide a last Fairwell to Doug, who made every effort to attend all Association Functions despite his Ill Health during the past few years.

Regards, Tony

Tribute to Doug created by our Honorary Member in France Pierre Seillier

Doug as CO 42RQR (second from left) with members of the Unit in the Field

Doug (third from left) on Joint exercise.

Doug newly promoted to LtCol

Doug enjoying a get together with members after a recent meeting

Vale Elsie Burla

Members, we have been advised of the sad news – the passing of “Elsie Burla” – wife of Bob Burla (Dec’d):- Former OC – Charlie Company Ingham & later Founder of the 31st Bn Association & Author of “Crossed Boomerangs” – History of the 31st Bn.

Elsie, continued to be a great supporter of the 31st Bn, particularly Charlie Company Ingham after Bob’s death. Bob died prior to completing his Book – “Crossed Boomerangs” , – Elsie  completed the Book & organised its publication & distribution. Refer to the Attachment from Felix Reitano.

Elsie has continued attending the Battalions annual Church Service up until year ago & always wanted her Photo taken with the Old Brisbane Branch Boys who served with husband Bob.

Our thoughts go to the Family of this wonderful lady. –

RIP Elsie Burla


Tribute By Felix Reitano



Elsie Burla – Obituary by Professor Stephen Graw – 7/2/22

I cannot recall exactly when I first met Elsie but it would have been either in the very late 1970s or the early 1980s at a function, which she would have attended with her husband Bob, in the Mess at Jezzine Barracks.

In fact, all of my early encounters with her were around social occasions either at Jezzine or, after I became the OC of 31 IRC, at 31 Battalion Association functions in either Townsville or Ingham (wth at least one occasion in Charters Towers ̶ after the dedication of the Memorial at the former Sellheim Army camp in 1985).

I remember her from that time as a very softly spoken, very gracious lady with a quiet sense of humour which she deployed easily when she got to know you.

My real association with her though only came about after Bob’s untimely death in 1995 after a short illness. I was then the CO of the Battalion and I was greatly honoured when Elsie asked me to speak at the funeral. It was a very sad occasion but Elsie maintained her poise and was a rock of support for Bob’s dad, Dario, through what was clearly a very difficult time for them both.

Shortly thereafter Elsie rang to ask if she could come to see me about how we might arrange to get Bob’s history of the Battalion professionally published.

Bob had written it as a ten-part series of ‘Historical Journals’ which had then been compiled into a composite history of the unit.

I had found a copy in a sideboard in the Mess when I arrived in Townsville in 1977 – in three bound copies of roneoed typescript. I had dipped into those three volumes on occasion but had never read them through completely – always promising myself that “one day” I would.

I regret to say that that never happened – at least not while Bob was still alive ‒ and when I returned to the battalion as the CO in late 1994 I was more than a little disturbed to find that only the third volume could still be found. Of the first and second volumes there was no trace. It was largely assumed that they had been “borrowed” by someone and it was hoped that eventually they would be returned. As far as I know they never were.

I was therefore both glad and relieved when Elsie rang, and then came to see me, with her sister Veen, in my office at the University.

And that was when I discovered another aspect to Elsie ̶ her quiet but steely determination. Bob’s dying wish, she told me, was to have the book published in a form that was, in his words, ‘worthy of the Battalion’ – and she wanted to make that happen.

She had a full unbound copy of the complete work with her and our first step was to convert it into data files that would be acceptable to a publisher in the electronic age. The Department possessed what then passed for a very effective scanner and my secretary, Pat Adams, patiently scanned all of the roneoed pages over the ensuing weeks.

However, our 1995 scanner did not take kindly to the typeface of the old manual typewriters on which Bob had typed up his original manuscript – especially after the pages were then reproduced on one of the old Gestetners. What came out of the scanner was not always entirely accurate – or, sometimes, even entirely English.

Spell-checking of the finished product helped a little but foreign place names, unit designations and military abbreviations, in particular, defeated Pat and it was Elsie who, page by page, word by word, comma by comma, name by name, unit designation by unit designation checked every one of those scanned pages to ensure that they were an accurate replication of what Bob had written. It was a Herculean task and a real labour of love – with Elsie often going back not only to the original manuscript but also to Bob’s original source documents, references photos and maps to ensure that what we had was as accurate as we could make it.

Then came the task of finding a publisher.

At that time I chaired the North Queensland Military Museum Committee of Management and we had some connection with the then emerging Army History Unit.

I suggested to Elsie that we see whether the AHU might be interested, she concurred, and we wrote to the Head of the Unit who agreed to see whether the manuscript met the AHU’s publishing criteria. After about a year of correspondence back and forth he advised us that their brief required a more policy-oriented approach and Bob’s book, being centred on what had happened at the soldier level, did not fit that picture.

He did however suggest that another publisher, Nelsons, might be interested so Elsie and I contacted them. They were interested – but after some initial consideration they too felt that the book, though interesting, was probably not a commercial proposition.

We tried a couple of other possibilities with no real success ̶ and I have to say that at that point I was becoming a little discouraged.

But Elsie was not to be deterred and it was she who, once again, got the project back on the rails.

She saw me in early May 1999 (the 5th) with a copy of a book she had received that had been published by a commercial publisher of which I had not previously heard – Australian Military History Publications. The book was very professionally put together, it looked good and, more importantly for us, it contained contact details for the publisher – Clive Baker. We immediately rang him and arranged to send him a copy of the retyped manuscript for him to consider.

Eleven days later (on 16th May) Clive wrote back saying he would like to publish. Elsie’s determination had paid off in spades.

And so started the publication process – but there was still a considerable amount of work to be done to convert the retyped manuscript into what would become a finished book which in Bob’s words would be ‘worthy of the Battalion’.

Elsie was a driving force throughout that process – checking references, organising photos and doing all the myriad little things that have to be done if a book is ever to see the light of day. I had given her a small booklet from one of the legal publishing houses that outlined the typesetters’ marks that were then an essential editing tool and she assiduously set about familiarizing herself with them – and using them with every tranche of typescript that she checked – so that all of her corrections and amendments were carefully noted with the appropriate typesetters’ mark in the margins so Clive could see exactly what had to be done – and how it had to be done.

With her usual thoroughness, Elsie also arranged for her work to be independently checked for correctness. She organized with Ian McIntosh, a former OC of B Company (Bowen, Proserpine and Ayr/Home Hill) and one of Bob’s many friends, who was then living in retirement in Forrest Beach, for him to act as an additional proof-reader.

Given Elsie’s attention to detail I doubt whether there was a lot that Ian had to correct. His involvement was, however, an important fail-safe and it was typical of Elsie that she had identified the need – and found someone who could meet it.

In short, without Elsie “Crossed Boomerangs”, in its final published form, would never have seen the light of day. For that, the Battalion owes her a great debt of gratitude ‒ second only to the debt we owe Bob – for ensuring that its history was formally recorded in a permanent form that will be accessible to future generations.

But that is not the only debt that we owe Elsie. One of Bob’s signature achievements was the formation of the 31st Battalion Association which he instigated in 1976 and of which he was the inaugural President, continuing in that role until right up until his death.

Bob might have been the President but it was very much a double act. Elsie was always there to support him, attending all of the functions and being very much a part of whatever the Association did. After Bob’s death she continued her involvement and, until recent years, was a regular attendee, in particular, at reunion dinners and, with her niece Leigh Cristaldi, at the Annual church service. For her dedication she was, very deservedly, made a life member of the Association in1997.

Elsie, you will be greatly missed, not only by your family but by all those who were privileged to be a part of your life. May you rest in peace.


VALE – Maj Gen Mick Fairweather AM RFD

The Secretary of the Brisbane Branch of our 31st Bn Association, Tony Wadeson passes on the following sad news: Members – We have been advised of the passing of MajGen Mick Fairweather AM RFD who was previously a Commander of 11Bde. I met him when he used to attend the yearly 31st Bn Church Service’s held in the “Rocks Area” Sydney

This is a Bio on the late MAJGEN Mick Fairweather. Mick James & Chris Hamilton have supplied the Info.  Mick was one of the old school who rose up through the Ranks & had experience of Command at all Levels from L/Cpl up. He Commanded 25th Bn RQR. Chris Hamilton has supplied the undermentioned Bio.


Notification was received from our 49 Bn Mate Garry Saunderson.   REGARDS TONY


 For those who aren’t on Facebook (or who don’t see posts from Duncan Schulz), the above is a post from Duncan Schulz

Tony continues: I did however receive the Poem reproduced below. It was passed onto me by our good mate Peter Grogan of 49 Bn & 25 Bn Associations.

You’ll note the Poem was written in Sept 1990 by one – C. Hamilton, (Now Brigadier Chris Hamilton (Rtrd) & past CO of 31st Bn), who has given me the OK to resurrect his early Jottings.   

The CO’s History (MAJGEN Ian Fairweather)

T’was Mick the Tick

From Gatton town

Who caught the Ares craze.

He gave up sport & drinking grog

And re-arranged his days

To put on greens & GP boots

A pack & webbing too

He headed off to QAC

To see what he could do.

They trained for wars that never came

It didn’t worry Mick

He soldiered on & earned his pay

His mates they thought him thick

He should be here & drinking beer

Was heard about the town

But Mick the tick, he acted deaf

He was headed for a crown.

From course to course

He moved along the postings in between

From CPL Mick to SGT Mick

The wildest they had seen

He earned his pips he took the bit

No one could slow him down

The die was cast he headed fast

T’wards a pip beside that crown.

Was CAPT Mick – then MAJ Mick

He arrived up on the Downs

To join ye ken with the Mountain men

A Battalion of renown

So Company B soon came to be

The wariest of the mob

To awake poor old Roma at daylight on their jogs.

He went of then with Gentlemen

Of the other arms n corps

To do Tac 5 after he had survived

The trials of the Senior course

Said COL Lane “He’s back again”

Promoted same as me

He’ll have to do as Chief Moutain man 11

Lord knows who we’ll get as 111.

So it came to pass when the high level brass

Write down 25th with their pen

As they dry their ink they pause to think

Of Mick & his Mountain Men.


Written on 27th September 1990 by a – C. Hamilton –(a Lost Poet)

who ended up as CO of 31st Bn on his way to be – BRIG Chris Hamilton.

(I believe it was about the time Mick took Command of 25 Bn)


Vale Capt Merv Hazell

Members, I regret to advise that Our fellow Member & Mate, Merv Hazell  passed

away this afternoon 30th Nov 2021.

May he Rest in Peace.  

In a further message Branch Secretary Tony Wadeson added:

Merv had been fighting a battle with Cancer for a few years. He has still been attending

meetings and services despite being quite ill. His wife Kay has been by his side fighting

the battle with him all the way. She has been truly marvelous. 

Member Mick James called on him at the nursing home on the Friday prior to his

passing. Merv recognised Mick & showed he was pleased to see him although he

had difficulty communicating.

Mick again visited Merv on Sunday 28th Nov.
Mick continues,”Kay phoned me on Monday night 29th Nov to advise that Merv
had deteriorated markedly that day. She then phoned gain on Tuesday to say
he had passed.”

Merv in the centre of the Reserve Forces Day 2015 group 

Merv (fourth from Left) Reserve Forces Commemoration 2018

The Battle for Australia Commemoration Committee with the Queensland Governor
and his wife at the 2018 Commemoration at Chermside (Merv on the right of the group).

31st Battalion Assoc members at Battle for Australia Commemoration in 2015 at George St Brisbane.

Anzac Day Brisbane – Prior to  the March – 2013


Merv and Mick James Scouting out a meeting Venue in better times.

RIP – Merv