31st Battalion Association Branch AGM – Charters Towers

The following email was received from Vic Nicol, Secretary, – Charters Towers Branch, advising details of their recently held Annual General Meeting.

Good Morning All,

On the 21st February the Charters Towers Branch held their 2025 AGM with eight members attending, at the RSL.

The executive positions have not changed with Raymond Barrett re-elected as President, Vic Nicol as Treasurer/Secretary, and all Members voted in as Committee.

Attached is our President’s Report.

As reported our Tunnellers Project has finally been completed. We will now make ready the Sellheim Army Camp Memorial for our ANZAC Day Morning service.

Kind Regards,

Vic Nicol


Ladies and Gentleman,

I have pleasure in presenting this Forty third (43rd) Chairman’s Annual Report for the Charters Towers Branch, of the 31st Infantry Battalion Association Inc.

During the year we held our committee meetings on the 3rd Friday of each month. Our own Annual General Meeting, saw no new changes as Raymond Barrett remained the President Vic Nicol remained Secretary and Treasurer, of the Charters Towers Branch.

19th January 2024 saw our oldest and newest member of the Charters Towers Branch Mr Norman Snell turn 100 years of age, 10 FSB doing an Honour Guard, the Local government doing a tree planting ceremony, then back to the local RSL for food, photos and drinks. Cards from the King and other officials giving congratulation and good wishes, an interview with channel 7, and with more than 80 people attending with President Greg Stokie and Paul Ellems enjoying the celebrations.

ANZAC Day saw us skip the Dawn Service held by the Charters Towers RSL, due to time restraints, A bit of car pool saw myself and others driving a few of our members out to Sellheim.

Sellheim saw approximately 60 spectators with the 130th Army Cadet unit holding guard at the Cenotaph, with myself conducting the Service and Mr Vic Nicol laying a wreath for the 31st Association.

On the flag was Mr Norm Snell who served in the 2nd World War, he was in the 26th Inf Battalion and has been doing the flag at Sellheim, since the flag pole was put up, around 40 years ago.

The main ANZAC Day service held in Charters Towers, had me as Parade Marshall, with Mr Vic Nicol again laying a wreath for the 31st Association.


On the 1st of March. Walter “Wally” Thomasson one of our members the Charters Towers branch had his funeral. He was 91.

A poppy service was conducted by the 31st association at his gave side, with members from the 31st association and National service members placing poppies. There were around 250 people attending.

A funeral service was held on Thursday 6th June 2024. Mr Clement John Archer “Clem”. Much loved Husband of Joyce, cherished Father of Lynette, Julie, Robyn and Mark. He was 89.

FINALLY after a few years we (Vic Nicol) received the required information to get permission, place, and erect the headstones for the Tunnellers we also received permission to replace an old Headstone that had cracked and subsided.

Saturday the 19 Oct 2024 we had our Luncheon at the RSL for the unveiling for the Headstones.

Guest attended the Luncheon Included the Charters Towers Major, Mrs Liz Schmidt, Councillors, President of the 31st Association, Mr Greg Stokie and Wife Janette, President of the Townsville branch Mr Paul Ellems. President of the Ingham branch Mr Felix Retano and Wife Judy. Descendants of the Tunnellers. Locals, members and their families.

A special thanks to Donna Baldey who passed on all the information regarding the Tunnellers.

13 headstones for Tunnellers have now been erected and we have been told they are final few.

Remembrance Day, saw us all attend the Charters Towers Cenotaph.

Raymond Barrett laid the Wreath for the 31st Association as the Charters Towers RSL hosted the event.

December the Charters Towers, members, wives and partners had an informal lunch at the Sovereign Tavern, with 13 people attending.

Mr Norman Snell has since turned 101. Technically that is for next year, I figure it still worthy of mentioning.

In Conclusion, I would like to thank the members of the Association for their support.

Raymond Barrett.

31st INF Bn Assoc Inc.

President, Charters Towers Branch.

Norman Snell’s 100 Birthday

“They’re not going to make me dig the hole for this tree are they?”

Norm Doing the Hard Yards

10 FSB have a Guard of Honour for Norman Snell’s 100 Birthday celebrations.

Norm’s Congratulatory Message From THe King and Queen

Wally Thomasson

Clement John Archer “Clem”

Head Table at Tunnellers 2024 Luncheon

Donna Baldey talks about her research into the Tunnellers

Charters Towers Branch, Christmas Luncheon 2024