Vale – Kyle Macleod

31st Bn Members We have received the sad news from President Greg Stokie that past member “Kyle Macleod” passed away Kyle was on the 31st BAttalion Association Committee for some years. 

Kyle has lived at Villa Vincent for some time. I will pass on best wishes from the Association at the Funeral

As an old Past Service member of 31st Bn – Kyle Macleod – Rest In Peace.

The following notice appeared in the Townsville Daily Bulletin:



Late of Villa Vincent Nursing Home, Townsville and formerly of 119 Queens Road, Hermit Park. Loving Husband of Thelma. Beloved Father, Father-in-Law and Grandfather of Heather, Wendy, Geoffrey, Jennifer, Ross (deceased) and their respective Families.

All Relatives and Friends are respectfully invited to attend a CELEBRATION of KYLE’S LIFE which will commence at 10.00 a.m TUESDAY MORNING 22nd DECEMBER, 2020 at the Lakes Chapel, Morleys Funeral Home, Cnr. Hugh Street and Martinez Avenue, Townsville.


For those unable to attend due to COVID 19 restrictions, Kyle’s Service will be live streamed at

National Servicemen’s Association of Australia (Qld) Inc. Townsville

Branch Members of the above are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral Service of their late Comrade-in-Arms 1713902 / 119934 KYLE MACLEOD which will commence as above. Nasho uniform and medals to be worn.

Ian Kuhl Secretary.

Returned and Services League of Australia (Qld Branch) Townsville Sub Branch Inc.

Members of the above are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral Service of their late Comrade-In-Arms 1713902 / 119934 KYLE MACLEOD which will commence as above.

Val Clark Secretary.

31st Infantry Battalion Assoc. Inc. Townsville Branch

Members of the above are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral Service of their late Comrade-in-Arms 1713902 / 119934 KYLE MACLEOD which will commence as above. Medals may be worn. Dariel Walker Secretary.