A very moving 108th Anniversary Commemoration (19th July 2024) held at the Ipswich RSL Honour Stone by the Ipswich RSL in conjunction with the 31st Infantry Battalion Association (Brisbane Branch). Honoured Special Guest was Mr Keith Payne VC AM,, a former member of both the 31st Battalion (1951) & 42nd Battalion (1975).
Other honoured Guests were Brig Arran Hassell CSC, Commander of 8th Brigade Aust Army, Duputy RSL Qld President, Ms Wendy Taylor, Group Capt Dennis Tan, Senior Officer RAAF Base Amberley . Her Worship the Mayor of Ipswich Cr Teresa Harding, Mr Alain Etchegaray Hon Consul representing the French Ambassador to Australia, Maj Ed Dalheimer, Company Commander 31st/42nd Battalion RQR, The Hon Shayne Neumann MP, Member for Blair, Senator Paul Scarr ,Jennifer Howard MP, State Member for Ipswich.
We were honoured to have the following Descendants of Soldiers who fought in the Battle of Fromelles –
Col Mark Plath Retd – representing– Lt Col Fred Toll DSO & Bar MBE VD, CO of 31st Battalion
Mr Keith Beardsmore – representing– Lt Col Henry Breardsmore DSO , 30th Battalion –
Ms Ann Kirby – representing – Sgt Cyril Kirby MM 31st Battalion
Lt Col Russell Linwood ASM Retd – representing – Pte Issac Linwood 31stBattalion
Mr Leo Rawlings – representing– Pte Frederick Rawlings 31st Battalion
Mr Bernie Delaney, Ms Siobhan Bouma & James Danaher 3rd – representing – Lt James Danaher 31st Battalion
Robert Doncaster- representing – Charles Christopher Doncaster 53rdBattalion
Additional we had Ms Deborah Gower representing the Mayor of Fromelles & the Fromelles Community lay a Wreath
Some photos of the Descendants at the Honour Stone after the Service. More to follow
We also mention the Service was live streamed on Ipswich RSL Facebook & can be viewed here – https://www.facebook.com/ipswichrsl/videos/1455856535298547
Brig Arran Hassell CSC – Comd 8th Bde – Delivering Welcoming Address

Group of 31st Battalion Association at 108th Commemoration of Battle of Fromelles at RSL Honour Stone Ipswich, Qld, Australia.
Members of the 31st Battalion Assoc with Keith Payne VC AM (Centre Front)
Maj Ed Dalheimer, Coy Commander 31st/42nd Battalion, (In Uniform).
After the 108th Anniversary Commemoration of the Battle of Fromelles at Ipswich.
Lt Col Russell Linwood ASM Retd (on the left of Keith) renewed their acquaintance & stories
from when Russell was a Cadet at Duntroon & Keith was an Instructor there.
Wreaths Laid at the Fromelles Commemoration in Ipswich
Keith engaged in conversation with fellow Vet.
Overhead photo of 31st Battalion Assoc Battle of Fromelles 108th Anniversary Commemoration held at the Honour Stone at Ipswich RSL Memorial Hall, in conjunction with the Ipswich RSL sub branch.
A great attendance of over 100.

Grave Stone for William Brumby – One of the Missing 200 – Identified 2024 – Reinterred Pheasant Wood Cemetery, France – RIP – Lest We Forget
BRUMBY , William Christopher S/N 585 Pte
Born -Cones Homley, England
NOK (m) Mrs Eliza Rowle, South Someroakes, Lincolnshire, England
Enlistment Date 12-Jul-15 Melbourne, Victoria
Age 28 yrs Single C.of E. Labourer Address Sorrento, Victoria
Outcome KIA 2 0th Jul 1916 at Fromelles.
Remembered at Villers Bretonneux – France
Original, ‘C’ Coy, 31st Bn
Pte William Christopher Brumby
Pheasant Wood Military Cemetery Fromelles France 19th uly 2024
31st Battalion Association Wreath placed during the Ceremony
Fromelles France 19th July 2024

108th Battlle of Fromelles Commemoration at Fromelles, France
Commemoration Ceremony Fromelles France 19th July 2024
Also From the Gallery